Friday, August 3, 2012

Remembering Yesteryear's Black & White Films

Casablanca Fans - Remembering Yesteryear's Black & White Films The content is good quality and useful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I know is that I even have discovered. Before the unique. It's now near to enter destination Remembering Yesteryear's Black & White Films. And the content associated with Casablanca Fans.

Do you know about - Remembering Yesteryear's Black & White Films

Casablanca Fans! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

When I was a kid growing up, there was a television channel that showed a movie every afternoon. I either was born loving movies or by watching movies every day with my mom I grew to love them. either way, I watched countless hours of old movies while I was in my formative years.

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How is Remembering Yesteryear's Black & White Films

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Casablanca Fans.

I love all types of movies and film techniques, even today's computer enthralling films shot against green screens, but I have a real appreciation for the different era of film making. I've seen just about every movie Jimmy Cagney ever starred in, and I'm confident every movie Alfred Hitchcock ever directed. I've seen so many black and white movies it's a wonder I don't dream in black and white, and yet, with all this modern technology that includes color saturation and high definition, there's something magical about old movies for me.

A lot of movies today rely on a lot of trickery - computer generated special effects - to punctuate a story. Back then there weren't too many gadgets available to originate a special effect, so story was everything. Some of the many films of all time - habitancy Kane, Notorious, The Rope, and Casablanca - failed or succeeded on the merits of the writing, directing, and acting alone. Some might call it a pure form of the art.

It's not impossible to watch old black and white movies these days. There's fullness that have been released on Dvd, and everybody once in a while some programming administrative at one of the networks or cable outlets will throw one into the mix - ordinarily something everyone's seen and will watch again - like It's a extraordinary Life, or Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. However, there's still one cable outlet dedicated not only to showing these great excellent films, but preserving them as well.

Turner excellent Movies - Tcm - is part of most Tv programming packages, and rightfully so. Each day they show great films from a bygone era, unblemished with facts provided by the great host, Robert Osborne. Tcm also presents many relevant film series, which are designed to give viewers a sense of history and a feel for what was going on in the world at a confident time.

This month on Tcm you will get to enjoy a program called Twenty Years of the Film Foundation. Started my Martin Scorsese, the Film Foundation was put together to ensure that endangered excellent films would be preserved. To date, the Film Foundation has preserved 525 films that otherwise would have been destroyed. This month you'll be treated to four that they've saved, together with The Red Shoes from 1948, Once Upon a Time in the West, The River, and Bonjour Tristesse.

Do yourself a favor some evening and watch an old, excellent black and white film with great stars like Cary Grant, Lucille Ball, John Garfield, Barbara Stanwyk, Errol Flynn, or Paulette Goddard on Turner excellent Movies. Who knows, you might just come to be as big a fan as me!

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