Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Top Job Interview Tips For College Seniors

#1. Top Job Interview Tips For College Seniors

Top Job Interview Tips For College Seniors

You are told when you are younger that you need to go college to get a good job. Well, times have changed and just getting a college degree does mean you are going to land a job after graduation. In fact there is a good opening that you won't land a job after college for at least 6 months to a year. College seniors need to be able to stand out in front of possible employers. Although most colleges do have work advisors ready for their students, colleges don't teach students how to interview for a job in the real world. Thanks to Global Jobs Network Group from LinkedIn, several members provided real world top job interview tips for graduating college seniors. See what some of them said.

Top Job Interview Tips For College Seniors

1. Wear a well-fitted suit so that both males and females feel confident going into an interview. According to Monica Brooks of Brooks Consulting, "my feel with new or soon-to-be grads is that their wardrobes are horrible. Dress For Success isn't kidding, nor should it be taken lightly. Unpressed or ill-fitting, or old or worn-out or out of style clothes couldn't maybe enforce self-confidence."

2. "Practice, practice, practice! Find a friend and have a mock interview." According to Sonia Garrido of Sulzer, It is de facto helpful especially because you can sort of plan out the answers you can give to confident questions. Also, it makes you feel a dinky more comfortable when you are in the real interview and you won't be as nervous. Have your friend be important about your answers and your unabridged presentation."

3. According to Dana Bigman of the Casablanca Fan Company, "learn as much as possible about the
company in progress and subtly weave that knowledge into your responses and questions. Also be sure to focus on what you can do for them (help them be profitable, solve a problem, etc.), not what they can do for you (a good beginning salary, benefits, developed education, etc.)"

4. According to Lewis Bryan of SellState Capital Realty, "be ready to share your own (couple of them) company feel and if you do not have any, be ready to share any life feel that would help the interviewer understand how you confront obstacle and how you cope yourself under pressure. Be honest in your answers and be yourself. Do not try to be person you are not."

5. "Make sure you firmly shake the hand of the interviewer and look them in the eye when you introduce yourself at the start of the interview." According to Gary Trebels of Ifc reputation Corporation, "make sure you firmly shake the hand of the interviewer and look them in the eye when you introduce yourself at the start of the interview. A flimsy handshake to me is weak and lacks confidence. First impressions are made in the first dinky to thirty seconds and they are very hard to change. Why start off at a disadvantage when you can make such a convenient first impression within that first minute? My mother, who was a secretary to Ceo's, drilled this into my head since I was 10 years old, and I am very thankful that she did."

6. "Before the interview ends, and after you have decided if you want the job, in a diplomatic way, ask for the job?" According to Paul Balutis of A#1 Southport, "So many population never close the opening at hand. You do not have to be too direct, just ask how you did, what's the next step, and oh by the way, I am more concerned in the position than I was before this interview! This will isolate you from the pack, this will make you stand out, and it may get you to step 2!"

Everyone of the interview tips provided is needed to follow in a job interview. The most leading job interview tip that you can use is just being yourself in a job interview. population are going to hire you because of who you are and what you have to offer.

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